Entering Wizzard Codes (( Sun (Liberty 1 / Blackcipher) ))
You will need to have valid current codes for this board to function, access to a code list is highly recommeneded!
Yes this is correct these old boards will function once again, but first let me warn you do not replace the EPROM on this board with an Autoroll chip it will NOT work! The EPROM on this board is to control the gating sequences for the Large Gate Array chips on this board, changing these settings can make your board unusable! You've been warned!
Now to get your audio working once again you will need a few things before we get into typing in the codes. Remember this board will NOT roll codes over for you so you will have to have a good reliable source for a valid code list.
You will need:
- A Valid codes list with current codes, if next codes are provided that is fine also.
- Download this file >>> genkey.exe - Filesize = 16,384 Bytes
(This file will do the conversion from the standard wizard format to the Dectec sun algorithm)
Once you have the list and downloaded this file you are ready to proceed.
Begin by tuning to a service on your code list you wish to watch. Make sure you have a good clean signal, your videocipher light is on and you have a picture present.(if no picture you have have a rating ceiling setup, if so change this to NC-17)
In this example I will use a valid working key for Galaxy G5 Transponder 07 For February 24, 2002.
Here is the complete Wizard code: EF09 A5FE 85C8 FEF8 A0 (30)
Now start up genkey, you will need to do this in a DOS window.
You should now see the following line displayed:
Enter movie key, 7 hex bytes : 00000000000000
This is where you enter in a portion of the wizard code above, 7 bytes only so in this case all you would enter in is the following: EF09 A5FE 85C8 FE
Then you will see: Enter Service ID, 1 hex byte: 00
In this case you would enter in 'A0'
Next you will see: Enter Version, 1 hex byte: 00
In this case you would enter in 'F8' - Version is actually referring to your Month ID
Next you will see: Enter Channel#, 1 hex byte: 00
In this case you would enter in '30' - Channel ID's are on some code lists but are also available from the SETUP 0 screen.
Next you will see the following:
Encrypted data (in hex): 3FF0AF1BE37B11AF0192AA
Encrypted data (in decimal):
Write down the decimal numbers, from left to right starting at 3069 all the way down to 1919, this is the data you will be entering, double check them! You are now done with the PC
So go to your receiver and press SETUP, you will see the following menu:
2: Audio Mode
3: Parental Rating
4: Rating Password
5: Select Bank
6: Update Bank
7: Emergency Backup
8: Select Master
You want to select '6: Update Bank'
Then Chose a Bank number except 1 or 2 to enter data into, in this example we will chose '3'
Then just enter in the data, for this example: 30696900196910295930702910101969001090201919
Next press SETUP, then select '5. Select Bank' then select your bank you just entered your data into (This example is bank '3')
Your audio will come on momentarily, just wait-it sometimes can take up to 30 seconds, remember this is not a true Videocipher and needs time to work with the datastream.
If you audio does no come on start again or simply verify all your numbers entered are correct.
After you select your bank, you can quickly go into the SETUP 0 screen and watch for the SM to turn to SA, at this point you should have audio come in.
Enjoy, you have risen your old board from the VCII graveyard. NOTE this board will also bring in services that are running in Fixed key mode.
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