The Following Circuit & Software Will Enable You To Upload & Download Wizard Data Bewteen A Computer & The Videocipher II Module

NOTE: This is for use with the old version of software and has not been revised as of yet to work with the 6.02.

> Part's List For Serial Interface Project <

  • 1 - MC1489 Quad Line Driver (RS# 276-2520)
  • 1 - MC1488 Quad Line Receiver (RS# 276-2521)
  • 2 - 14 Pin DIP Sockets (RS# 276-1999)
  • 1 - 2 Conductor Shielded Audio Cable (RS#278-514)
  • 1 - DB9F Connector (RS# 276-1538)
  • 1 - DB9 Hood (RS# 276-1539) Or DB25 Hood (RS# 276-1549)
  • 1 - 510 or 470 Ohm Rsistor [1/8 or 1/4 Watt] (RS# 271-1317)
  • 1 - 1N4148 Switching Diode (RS# 276-1122)
  • 2 - Feet Small Hookup Wire (RS# 278-501)
  • 2 - Phono (RCA) Plugs (RS# 274-339) [Optional]

    > Preperation <

    Get two 14 pins DIP sockets (designated SKT-1 and SKT-2). SKT-2 is only needed if you plan to download, as well as upload data to the module.

    On SKT-1, cut pins 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Bend out, pins 1 & 3.

    On SKT-2, cut pins 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13. Bend out, pins 1, 8, 9, 10, 14. Solder pins 9 & 10 together.

    All chips on the videocipher II board use the following pin out order. Looking at the top of the chip, with the notch pointing away from you, the upper left pin will be pin 1. The order goes counter clockwise, with the upper right pin being the highest number.

    1-[           ]-14
    2-[           ]-13
    3-[           ]-12
    4-[           ]-11
    5-[           ]-10
    6-[           ]-9
    7-[           ]-8

    On the edge card connector, the outside pin on the top will be pin 1. The outside pin on the bottom, will be 23. When look at this part of the board hold the board so the edge connector is facing up and away from you. Pin 1 is located just above R24 & R51, furthest to the right side of the board. For the bottom side flip the board over, now the backside of the edge connector should be on your left. now the pin furthest to the left is Pin #23 and the furthest to the right is Pin 44.

    > Modifying Your 010-018-019 & Full Sized 032 VCII Board <

    1. [ UPLOADING ]

    1. Solder one end of the 510 ohm (or 470 ohm) resistor to the plate-thru hole connected to edgecard pin 5.

    2. Located U9. Place SKT-1 on top of U9. Solder pins 7 & 14 of the socket to the same pins on U9. Place the MC1489 in SKT-1.

    3. Solder a jumper from SKT-1, pin 3 to the loose end of the resistor installed in step #1.

    2. [ DOWNLOADING ]

    1. Locate U10. Place SKT-2 on top of U10. Solder pins 4, 7, 11 of the socket to the same pins on U10. Place the MC1488 in SKT-

    2.Solder jumpers from:
       a. SKT-2, pin 1, to U14 pin 4.
       b. SKT-2, pins 9 & 10 to edgecard pin 27(available at inside leg of R51 or RN1, pin 6 on 010 boards)
       c. SKT-2, pin 14 to U14, pin 8.

    > Modifying Your 032 Half Sized VCII Board <

    1. [ UPLOADING ]

    1. Solder one end of the 510 ohm (or 470 ohm) resistor to the plate-thru hole connected to edgecard pin 5.

    2. Locate U8. Place SKT-1 on top of U8. Solder pins 7 & 14 of the socket to the same pins on U8. Place the MC1489 in SKT-1.

    3. Solder a jumper from SKT-1, pin 3, to the loose end of the resistor installed in step 1.

    2. [ DOWNLOADING ]

    1. Locate U15. Place SKT-2 on top of U15. Solder pins 4, 7, 11 of the socket to the same pins on U15. Place the MC1488 in SKT-2.

    2. Solder jumpers from:
       a. SKT-2, pin 1, to edgecard pin 31 (Either end of L5 will do).
       b. SKT-2, pins 9 & 10 to U8, pin 2.
       c. SKT-2, pin 14 to edgecard pin 20 (+ side of C46).

    > The Serial Cable <

       a. PC End


    1. For 9 pin serial connectors, jumper pins 7 & 8. Solder shield to pin 5, white to pin 2 and if downloading also, blue to pin 3.

    2. For 25 pin serial connectors, jumper pins 4 & 5. Solder shielf to pin 7, white to pin 3 and if downloading also, blue to pin 2.

       b. VC End

    1. Direct To Board Method
    ---------------------    a. Upload

       a. Solder the blue wire of the serial cable to SKT-1, pin 1.
       b. Solder the serial cable shield, to any good ground point
       c. Tie wrap the cable to the battery, to keep from straining on the connections.

    If you descrambler is not setup for receiving the next wizzard code or 'hit' then you may need to enter in the next code to continue receiving audio when the current wizzard code rols over.

    > Go BACK To The VideoCipher II Menu <

    [ H o m e ]