Entering Wizzard Codes (( Phazer ))

Phazer is one of the older software that was mainly used with wizard codes only. It wasn't until the last versions where multiple seed key entry was written into the software.

The most common types of phazer software I've seen on the quantity of board's I've seen has mainly consisted of 4 bank and 8 bank wizard chips. The 4 bank was used by manually selecting the bank by pressing the help key and selecting bank 0 through bank 3 of which your current wizard code was entered into. The 8 bank software consisted of 6 manually entered banks for wizard codes and 2 Auto banks which were entered only in the loader chip or burn't into the run chip routines. These auto banks were great when everything ran on one wizard code, a dealer could program the current month's key into Auto 1 and next month's key into Auto 2 and the customer would be up for 2 months with practically everything, in it's time it was a great idea, the only problem is these 2 keys could only be programmed at the dealers' end, they could not be changed by the end user. These 2 banks are always searched when tuning into a channel, if the key in Bank 1 or Bank 2 is not correct you get no audio even if a valid wizard code is stored in any of the banks 3 through 8. Banks 3 through 8 must be manually selected to enable audio, the same way you would with the 4 bank software. Press the 'Help' button and type in the number of the bank you want to use, there is a reference to the current Month ID and Service ID listed at the top of the screen, just select the bank that corresponds with the information at the top and you should have audio.

Here is how to enter in the wizard code information from code lists on both sets of software. I will not go into every version of software since there are a number of them, these are the most common and are the only one's I'm going to cover.

Entering Wizard Codes Using 4 Bank Phazer Software

Begin by having a most recent code list handy and then tune to the service you wish to watch with audio.

Press'SETUP', Then select '1. LOAD PPV SERVICE' Then select 'Bank 0 , 1 , 2, or 3 to store your wizard code into.

After selecting a Bank between 0 and 3, you will now begin entering in the wizard code.Enter numbers as usual, but when you are needing to create A-F use your right arrow key to place an up arrow on your screen, user 1 through 6 to represent A through F EG: 3 = C, 4 = D, etc.

Now as you are entering in the key, the phazer software will require you to enter in a double Month ID! This is where the difference between various software comes in. You would find that if you entered in a code right off the current code sheets it would not work properly or would not fit! Also remember you do NOT need a Channel ID present, this is how your code can become to short to fill all the blanks on the screen. This is called 'double dating'. There is other software that uses this principle so if your experimenting and things just aren't working try double dating and see if it pans out for you.

EG: Current Code For: Galaxy G5 Transponder 17 TNT

Standard: >> 3D90 0A97 16DD AA0A A086

Double Dated: >> 3D90 0A97 16DD AA0A 0AA0

Notice the Doubled 0A 0A, and that there is no channel ID of 86 at the end of the double dated wizard code!

So you now have the wizard code entered correctly but still no audio! That's right remember Phazer software does not always bring in the audio for you unless that current bank was selected last! To get your audio using the valid wizard code you will now need to do the following:Press 'Help' Then you will see a screen with 4 long groups of characters across the screen, these are the 4 banks of wizard codes in the board's RAM. Next look in the bottom left corner, there is 2 groups of 4 characters, the top one should have the last 2 digits alternating this is the group you are interested in. Now looking at this group compare it with one of the wizard codes listed above, using only the last 4 characters of each of the wizard codes. Looking at these wizard codes the top line is Bank 0 the next 1 and so on. So as an example, if the code that gives reference to the group below is on line 3 then you would press '2' to select this bank, you will then see the 2 groups of 4 match, once this happens your audio sould come in. If not you will most likley get a 'WRONG KEY' message pop up on the right side of the screen, which means the key has not been entered correctly. Once you do get audio, no messages will appear. Once audio is obtained, press 'VIEW" to clear the screen and watch as usual. The current key will be held active when switching channels unless you manually change this. This is not auto-updating software and will go down once the key changes, you will need to enter in another valid wizard code once the codes roll. You can load one set of seed keys into this software, but is invaluable and not recommened, you must be fluent on memory addresses and how the phazer software works to get this option going.

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