Entering Wizzard Codes (( Equalizer ))

Note: SETUP 9 1 1 will bring up the hidden menu, use with caution!

Now to enter in wizard codes and start getting audio, you will need a valid wizard code set for the service you wish to enable audio on.

Begin by pressing 'SETUP', then select option '5. Enter Wizards'

-Now Select Bank Number (You can scroll between page 01 and 13, each of which will hold 8 banks)

-Now type in the wizard code, all the way up to the Month ID portion, to make alpha characters simply use the 'right arrow' button just like phazer uses to create alpha characters, then numbers 1 to 6 are now A - F.

-Now enter in this order!

- Channel ID - Month ID - Service ID

Now Press ENTER

Your audio should now come on. This software will also search for the valid wizard code if it has been stored into a bank and the channel is changed, when you come back it will search for the correct wizard and audio should come on momentarily.

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