This block shows your current channel ID in Decimal & Hex format
This block can be scrolled up and down in value by using your left & right arrow keys. This controls the
'Idle Time Limit Counter'
This block incriments about 2 characters per second and is your system clock. This block will only
incriment with a valid VCII signal and the proper timing data contained in the Horizontal Blanking
Intervals. Since VCII+ sends this data in the Vertical Blanking Intervals-the VCII board will
not have an incrimenting clock on a true VCII+ only channel.
ACTIVE 26A0/54
This block tells you the current Month ID, the Service ID, and the current bank location of the
wizard code selected. This will change when the software is scanning for the correct code if
there is multiple codes with the same charateriztics (MID, CID). Even if the wizard code is not
correct it will change to the next closest code.
U7E 00
This block tells you if there is problems in the DES Algorithm Processor. Should Always Be 00,
Pressing ENTER will clear this value, watch for further errors, if so then get your board
looked at by a technician.
FRAME 4132
This block should be incrimenting relatively close to the system clock above. These numbers
represent the Frame Message Counter which is the number of valid video frames being successfully
descrambled. If this area seems slow, check your signal strength, if your signal is ok, get your
board checked out by a tech, could be your video amplifier or a dying CR8.
This block displays the current Month ID and Service ID of the channel you are tuned to.
The 4B portion will change everytime there is a code change, this could be incriment by
one or by many values depending on the data in the datastream. The A0 portion represents the
Service ID. A0 is actually A Commercial ID.
HITS 0001
This block shows how many times the ID inside your descrambler has been updated with the next
wizard codes to keep your Unit activated. To Clear This Press ENTER.
04 > 05
This block has 2 bytes, each incrimenting in different intervals and different values. This
is your ODD and EVEN Message Packets coming down off the datastream. These value will only
incriment when at least 1 set of previous wizard keys are in the board, if wizard bank
is all 0's this will not incriment, this can be fooled by just entering in the current
MID & SID and these packets will start being received. This is not needed to receive hits!
VIDEO 83/01
This block is your video frame information. 83 Represents Superimposition of graphics.
01 will switch between 00 and 01, this is normal, this fluctuation shows good video
frame decoding.
The upper 8 digits is the Unit ID being used for this channel. The lower
8 digits is the Unit ID for other units that are getting hit on this
channel (if the last two digits don't match, the lower is the last unit
hit on the last channel). You can use these as a guage on how long til
the next hit for the upper ID. If the lower number is greater then it
will take a while to roll back around.