Entering Wizzard Codes (( Autoroll Version 6.02 ))


First off, press HELP and scroll down the list you wish to enter a wizzard code for press the corresponding number beside the channel name.

Now press SETUP, then the number 1 and then the number 1 again

Simply type in the wizzard code as it is on your code sheet.

** Note ** Numbers are entered in directly on the keypad or remote, but letters A thru F are enterd in the following manner:

By pressing the MESSAGE button, you will insert an ARROW in the space displayed on your tv screen simply select from the list below to type in the letter you wish to put in place of the arrow, if for any reason you get an arrow and you do not wish to, simlpy press the MESSAGE key once more to bring back the cursor.

     Letter 'A' == 1      Letter 'B' == 2      Letter 'C' == 3      Letter 'D' == 4      Letter 'E' == 5      Letter 'F' == 6

Once you have an arrow on the screen press the number beside the letter listed above to create the letter. Once you enter in a letter the arrow will disappear and the letter will now appear, you are back to the normal number entering mode simply press MESSAGE again to get the arrow and to go back into LETTER entry mode

> OOPS! I Made A Mistake <

If you made a mistake when typing in part of the wizzard code, simply press the DOWN or BACK arrow to move the cursor backwards, then simply type over the wrong character


If you descrambler is not setup for receiving the next wizzard code or 'hit' then you may need to enter in the next code to continue receiving audio when the current wizzard code rols over.

This is the same as the process above with a few changes.

(This Step is not needed if you are entering the next wizzard code for the channel in which you have just entered the current wizzard code for, if this is the case, simply press SETUP then number 1 then the number 2 and proceed to enter in your wizzard code as before)

- Begin by pressing help and selecting the channel you wish to enter the NEXT wizzard code for by scrolling with the arrows and selection the proper channel corrseponding to the numbers on the menu

- Then press SETUP then number 1 then the number 2 and proceed entering in your wizzard code simply as you did above for the current wizzard code. It's that simple!

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