VCII+ Diagnostic Screens - What It All Means Means


1) 01234567-FF-03                      0-0
2) 3:0000   2:0000   1:0000   0:0000
4) 00            000-000-000          00-0
5) 0000-0000   0000-0000.00    0000
6) 00-00-00    0    0000   0  0-000000
7) 0000-0000-0000 0 0         *000000
8) 0.00E-00/0.00E-00     00    S:-CB

Screen Map


This line shows the software version of the descramblers internal firmware in the ROM

Line #1


This is the unit ID number in hexidecimal. 0-0 is the Impulse Pay Per View Option (IPPV) This number indicated if the unit is currecntly enabled to purchase IPPV programs.
0 = Unit is not enabled to receive IPPV programs
1 = Unit is enabled to receiver IPPV programs

Line #2

This line shows all the tier assignments to this descrambler, this can be scrolled through using the arrow keys

Line #3

This line has been intentionally left blank and is not used.

Line #4

This line is only used when the unit receives it's first authorization.


This 36 bit number represents the geographic location of the descrambler using 3-coordinates.(X, Y, Z)
This information can be used for circular blackouts.
Range: 000-000-000 to FFF-FFF-FFF


This is your time zone setting, calculated by the number of half-hours away the descrambler is from the International Dateline. (Hexidecimal)
Range: 0-2F (0-47 Decimal)
04 = Hawaii
08 = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
0A = Mountain Standard Time (MST)
0C = Central Standard Time (CST)
0E = Eastern Standard Time (EST)
10 = Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

Daylight savings time enables (Daylight) indicates whether the unit is to implment daylight savings.
0 = Do not implement daylight savings time
1 = Implement daylight savings time

Line #5

This line is for General Instruments Information Only.

Line #6

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